
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

funny story cerita lucu maling

Cerita Lucu Maling
Alkisah suatu malam ada dua orang maling yang baru saja berhasil merampok sebuah warung
Maling 1 : Jon lu tadi ngambil barang apa aja?
Maling 2 : Gw ngambil perhiasan, duit sama TV LCD 32 inchi
Maling 1 : Kalo gw berhasil ngambil sendal si pemilik warung
Maling 2 : Jiah lu bego banget. Ngapain ngambil sendal. Kenapa ngga ngambil barang berharga oon.
Maling 1 : lu tuh yang bego. Gw ngambil sendal si pemilik warung supaya dia ngga bisa ngejar kita.
Maling Dua : ?!?!?!@##
there is one story.a night available two thiefs which was successful rob one booths
Thief 1: Joni. youpreviousing to take goods any kind?
Thief 2: I take
gold,diamond, money and TV LCD 32 inchi
Thief 1: If I successfuling to take booth owner sandal
Thief 2: you
are very stupid. why are you take sandal. Don't you take worth goods silly
Thief 1: you that . I take sandal the booth owner so she can't run after us.
Thief Two: ?!?!?!@##

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